
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Star Achievers Of The Week

Mr Davidson was pleased to welcome everyone to our final Star Achiever assembly of the term earlier today. Our Stars were proud and excited to confidently share their learning with us all in school and parents and carers who were watching via Zoom. 


This week, our fabulous Stars received certificates for:

Reindeer Class - the clay skills she used to make a fantastic minibeast!

Elk Class - his amazing moving picture in DT!

Impala Class - the effort and quality of her Art learning journey.

Barasingha Class - his amazing effort in Geography!

Sambar Class - his enthusiasm and engagement in 3D printing.

Taruca Class - her work on the play.


Awards for exceptional kindness towards others were presented to: McKenzie, Leah A, Amari, Rosie and Daniel. 


Three pupils have earned their first times tables badges this week. Well done to Harry, Josephine and Jake for your bronze badge. Well done too, to Alfie who was presented with his silver badge.


Achievements out of school were also celebrated today: Logan & Lily for taking part in a triathlon at the Meres;  Oscar for swimming; Dorothy for her awards at Brownies and Lilah & Callum for Life Saving!


Members of our Table Tennis Club have been very busy this term. Coached by Mrs Nix, the group took part in an end of year tournament in school with the winner being McKenzie and runner-up Callum. Members also took part in the Herbert and Ruth Pacey Memorial Tournament held at the Meres last weekend. Mr Davidson was delighted to announce that Callum had won the boy's Under 11 tournament and Maison, the Under 9 boy's. Both had been awarded a shield and medal for their outstanding achievements. Our congratulations to everyone who has taken part in all of these wonderful activities.


Well done everyone!
