
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Celebrating Achievement

Three awards were presented in each class in our Star Achiever celebration this afternoon, one for each of the Belmont Pocket Principles: Be Respectful: Be Responsible and Be Ready to Learn. The children who excelled this  week are:

  • EYFS & KS1: Grace, Cohen, Archie, Harriet, Emily T, James, Connor, Jude and Josef
  • KS2: Doroteja, Oliver G, Jesse, Charlotte, Aayushri, Kayden, Yashika, Nella, Dorothy, Tenisha, Lilah and Maxwell


The class with the highest attendance for week-ending 10 January was EYFS - Reindeer Class with a fabulous 98.33%, a fantastic start to the term.


Well done everyone!
