
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Harvest Festival - Tuesday, 17 October

We are very pleased to let you know that the Impala and Barasingha classes will be hosting our Harvest Festival Celebration on Tuesday, 17 October


As in previous years, we will continue to help Grantham Foodbank, a much needed charity providing support to our local community. Some of the shortages they are experiencing at present are tinned meat/tomatoes/beans/fruit, cereals, noodles or pasta sauces, steamed puddings/custard, coffee/tea, UHT long life milk, cordials, children’s treats or biscuits, deodorant/toilet paper.


The children and staff would like to invite parents/carers of children in Impala (Year 3) and Barasingha (Year 4)
to join us for the celebration which will start at 2:45 pm. In order to avoid congestion please could we ask for a maximum of 2 family members per pupil, thank you.

We really appreciate any donation you are able to make and thank you for joining us in supporting an incredibly worthy cause. Please bring all donations to school by Friday, 13 October 2023.
