
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Star Achievers Of The Week

It's non-uniform today in support for the FOBS Summer Fayre which is only two weeks away and this morning, Mr Davidson was delighted to welcome everyone to a very summery looking Star Achiever assembly! Our Stars were very excited and proud to share their learning with everyone in school and their families who were watching via Zoom.


This week, our fabulous Stars received certificates for:

Reindeer Class - her thoughtful PSED learning.

Fallow Class - her excellent progress in phonics.

Elk Class - his fantastic retelling of the story, Little Red Riding Hood and then writing some of it.

Impala Class - her amazing skills and involvement during the Mini Olympics.

Barasingha Class - her hard work at the Mini Olympics.

Sambar Class - her effort and hard work in understanding multiplying and dividing decimals.

Taruca Class - his hard work during our RE learning journey about Islam and for his diary entry.


Success in sport was also celebrated, as we congratulated pupils who have earned medals and trophies for their brilliant skills with their local football teams. We are very proud of Brennan, Jaden, Daniel and Leah who was her manager's player of the year.


Certificates were also presented to pupils who have shown outstanding kindness this week. Congratulations to Jack, Chloe, Roxie and Eloise.


Five times tables badges were also presented today: Myka - bronze, Brodie - silver, Oscar & Tom - gold and Teddy - platinum. Fantastic achievements by them all.


The final announcement this morning was for Attendance and the children in Elk Class were the winners for the second week this term! 


Well done everyone!



This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.
