
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Belmont Online

The Use Of Photos/Videos On The Belmont Website/Social Media

The safety of our pupils is paramount at Belmont. We ensure that any photos or videos that are uploaded to the website/social media are selected carefully so their image cannot be misused.


The following guidelines are strictly adhered to:

  • We will only use photos/videos of pupils for whom parental consent has been given.
  • Full names of pupils will not be used anywhere on the school website/social media in association with photos/videos taken/created by pupils unless written permission has been given by the parent/carer.
  • A pupil's name will not be used in conjuction with his/her image.

Photos/Videos Taken At School Events

We welcome parents/carers to come into school to see the children take part in plays, concerts and sports during the school year. Obviously you wish to take photos or videos of your children to capture these magical moments. We ask that everyone is mindful of uploading any to social media that contain images of children other than your own. 


For the Belmont website and Twitter pages, the school is required to ask permission from all parents/carers before uploading photos of pupils. We also have to ensure that children are not identified in any photos that are uploaded. The majority of parents/carers do give permission, however some have informed us that photos of their children must not be published.

Not only may there be personal or religious reasons for not wanting an image published online, unfortunately there may be times when doing so might put a child and their family at risk. Some children, families or staff may have a complex family background, unknown to the wider school community, which means that sharing their image online can have unforeseen consequences.

Parents/carers are asked to confirm in writing that photos/videos are for personal use only when we welcome you to events in school.


Thank you once again for your on-going support in keeping all members of our school community safe online.


Please click on the link below for a copy of our e-Safety policy.
