
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Taruca 2023 - 2024

What A Year!
Year 6 have worked incredibly hard this year and we are all very proud of them. They are well and truly ready for secondary school, and we cannot wait to hear the wonderful stories about what they achieve in their futures. This term has been all about celebrating their successes. They performed their play School-O-Vision which was brilliant and have ended their year with their fun afternoon and water fight. We wish them luck as they moved onto secondary school!

Our Class Hoodies!

One of the most exciting things of the summer term is when the class receive their hoodies. Don't they look great!

Sports Day!

Visit To Londonthorpe Woods

As you know, this year Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont with activities taking place in the Wildlife Area. During the last week of term 5, our class along with Sambar had the opportunity to extend their learning by visiting the outdoor classroom at Londonthorpe Woods! Due to the wonderful support of the Woodland Trust there was no cost for the trip which took place during a school day.


All of the children had a wonderful time as they participated in activities that included pond dipping, sketching and den building. You can see a selection of photos below.

We Celebrate With Fish & Chips!

Everyone has worked so hard this year and especially during the SATs assessment week. To celebrate we had a fabulous lunch of fish and chips on the Friday!

World Book Day

We had a wonderfully busy day celebrating our love for books! During the day we enjoyed a special 'Masked Reader' assembly and lots of book-themed learning and activities. We then joined the children in Reindeer Class during the afternoon where we sat and read our favourite books! Everyone looked brilliant and we enjoyed sharing as many of their favourite stories as we could throughout the day!

Visit To The National Holocaust Centre

We had an incredible opportunity to explore our themed work on World War II when we visited the National Holocaust Centre in Laxton.

During the morning we explored The Journey exhibition which is an interactive museum where we followed the journey of a young fictional Jewish boy called Leo by watching video extracts of him reading his diary. The children were able to look at, touch and discuss what they saw and how he might have felt as a young Jew in Germany.  In the afternoon, the children listened to survivors, who came to England on the Kindertransport, share their stories. The trip was an incredibly powerful experience which the children accessed with sensitivity and compassion. 

NSPCC Number Day - Dress Up For Digits/NSPCC Rocks!

The children wore an item of clothing with a number on it and made a suggested donation of £1 towards the NSPCC on Numbers Day. The money we raise will help the NSPCC run its Speak Out Stay Safe programme to help children understand what abuse is and what to do if they're scared or worried. We spent the day doing lots of fun Maths activities, and took part in a Times Table Rock Stars Competition: NSPCC ROCKS! Each child who entered had a maximum of 1 hour to get as many correct answers as possible. The children were given some time in class to do this but completed their hour at home.

Holocaust Memorial Day
For Holocaust Memorial Day, we joined hundred of schools on the Literacy Trust's live online question and answer session with Holocaust survivor, Mala Tribich and author, Tom Palmer. The children all engaged in this activity with such maturity and sensitivity which made us all proud. They were able to ask questions with compassion and empathy about such a difficult subject. As part of Holocaust Memorial Day, we were one of the lucky schools to receive some wonderful books about WWII, including some from author Tom Palmer – which the children are thoroughly enjoying reading.

The children have really enjoyed learning about WWII and we are really looking forward to our upcoming trip to the National Holocaust Centre near Newark at the beginning of next term

Clay Families

We had the pleasure of welcoming Dawn Wesselby to our classroom just before Christmas. She is working with a number of organisations for a community project with and during the session the children created their own clay families. After they have been fired they will be going on display in Grantham! More information to follow but in the meantime, you can see some some photos below.

DNA Sweets!

Our science topic for term 2 has been Evolution and Inheritance where the children created some fabulous leaflets about Charles Darwin. We learnt about cells and discovered how we all started from one cell.  We looked at how plant cells are different to human and animal cells as different parts of the cell especially the nucleus which carries our DNA characteristics which we inherit. We really enjoyed making our DNA sweets!

Children in Need Day

The children looked fantastic on Children in Need Day. We did our Bearpees in the hall! Following our long division lesson we worked out that we would have do 36 each to hit the 1000 mark. Well done Taruca Class!

YHA Whitby
We had a fabulous time in Whitby! The weather forecast for the time we were there was for heavy rain but in fact the sun shone for the majority of the time and we had great fun exploring the area. Staying at YHA Whitby, we were ideally situated for some lovely walks around Whitby Abbey and fossil hunting on the beach. We did have to stay indoors for one afternoon but had a brilliant time making lighthouses followed by a pirate disco! Our final activity of the week was a fascinating visit to the Lobster Hatchery where we loved seeing the baby lobsters and learning about how they are released into the wild.

Amazing Art!

In art, the children have been focusing on the human body – learning to sketch using pencils and charcoal. They have then used this understanding, and inspiration from the artist Giacometti, to create some wonderful sculptures using wire, foil and modroc. 

Super Science!

Our work in science got off to a terrific start as we welcomed Nurse, Ms Foster to Taruca Class at the beginning of term. The children worked very hard as they learnt about the importance of blood and blood vessels. They enjoyed making their own version of blood and then later testing their own blood pressure.
