
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Reindeer 2021 - 2022


We have excitedly watched our tiny caterpillars grow bigger and bigger, until they formed their chrysalis and transformed into beautiful butterflies. All the children were so excited to watch this magical transformation.


We released our butterflies in our outdoor area and were so happy when one butterfly decided to spend more time with us on the grass! What an amazing experience for Reindeer Class!

Making Our Tropical Fruit Salads!

We loved making our own tropical fruit salads during the summer term! Not only learning more about different kinds of fruit and how they help keep us healthy but also practising our fine motor skills.

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebration!

We had a super afternoon celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! It was lovely so many of our families were able to come and enjoy a picnic on the field whilst being entertained by some great singing! I was so proud as our class gave a fantastic performance of 'Yellow Submarine' from the 1960s. Everyone in the class was presented with a special medal and a book which I'm sure they will treasure for years to come.

Peter And The Wolf

Over the year, the children have been introduced to the Talk For Writing techniques that will enable them to develop their writing skills. During the spring term, we have been learning the story of Peter and the Wolf. To help them be able to retell it, the main points of the story are drawn with each of them having an action. The children practiced very hard and loved retelling the story with the actions. The next step was for the children to innovate the story, to adapt it using their own characters. They placed their characters on a line map and then told us the introduction to their story. They did an incredible job.


The children have enjoyed practising their sketching skills and colour mixing this term. They've created some beautiful paintings of sunflowers in the style of Van Gogh taking great care when mixing and painting their pictures.

Looking After Our Teeth

We really enjoyed meeting a dentist and learning how to look after our teeth!

Comic Relief Red Nose Day

This year, our theme for Red Nose Day was Super Heroes - whether it was Superman, Wonder Woman, a superhero of our own creation, or a local hero in our community. This tied in brilliantly with our recent topic about people who help us.  As you can see, the children had great fun taking part in the red nose and spoon race whilst dressed as their super hero!

World Book Day

The children are already developing a love of books and were excited to take on the challenge to create a book in a box!

We Meet Real-Life Superheroes!

We have been learning all about people who help us, or 'real-life Superheroes'! We have been so lucky to receive two special visits from some people who help us, one being a visit by our local PCSOs and other being chef, Mr McCormack.


PCSO Pam King and her colleague talked about the different parts of their uniform and what they do as part of their job. The children loved being allowed to try on the hi-viz jackets! They asked the children what they would do if they found themselves lost in a supermarket for example, and encouraged them to come up to police officers as they can help to find mummies and daddies!


Mr McCormack told us all about his job as a chef and how we need to eat healthy food. We even got the chance to do some baking with him! The children learnt so much from hearing about our special people’s job experiences and understanding how these people help others in our community. Well done Reindeer Class – you did us proud with your fantastic listening skills and you asked some interesting questions!


It was such a busy end to the children's first term at Belmont! After enjoying a lovely Christmas lunch together early in December, we really enjoyed making Christmas cards and calendars as well as gifts to sell at the FOBS Christmas Market - you can see some fabulous examples below. The children also worked incredibly hard for their first production: appearing with Fallow and Elk Class in 'Angel Express' in front of their families. They were so excited and happy to perform and I am incredibly proud of them all!


The last day of term meant our Christmas party but not before meeting Santa who we spotted walking on the playground! He even left the class a present which we were so excited to receive!

Fabulous Art

During our first term we have been learning about our facial features, using our observational drawing skills to practise sketching our eyes, nose and mouth. We then learned all about the famous artist Pablo Picasso and enjoyed creating our own self-portraits using paint!
Fantastic art learning, Reindeer Class!

Bellmount Tower

The children are settling in brilliantly and really enjoyed our work on Bellmount Tower. They used lots of skill to paint and create as well as learning how to work together.
