
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Charging & Remission

We value the opportunity to take our children out of school for a range of activities such as swimming lessons, day trips and residential visits. We also invite theatre groups and musicians into school.


Children who are eligible to receive free school meals may receive a reduction in voluntary contributions for residential visits.


Parents are invited to make voluntary contributions towards an activity for which a charge is made e.g. educational day visits.  We do not discriminate between those families who are willing to make a voluntary contribution and those who cannot. However, no additional funding is available to the school to compensate for any large shortfall between the actual cost of an activity and the amount of the voluntary contributions.  If insufficient voluntary contributions are made, we would have to cancel any proposed activities. 


Please click on the link below for our Charging and Remissions policy.
