
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Impala - Year 3

Welcome to the Impala Page!  

Welcome to Impala Class! I am so excited to be joining the class on the start of their Key Stage Two journey. I am sure that the children will welcome the challenges that year 3 brings and also make some fantastic new memories. We have got many wonderful things planned for the year, including an educational visit to Flag Fen to experience life in the stone age as part of our History learning. We will also participate in the Mini-Olympics at the Meres Leisure Centre during the summer term which is always lots of fun as well as starting our weekly swimming lessons.


As scientists we will learn about light and shadows, and rocks and forces, amongst many other things. We will also start to learn French. 


All home support is hugely appreciated and has a positive impact on your children’s learning. You can help your child by making sure they read every day and by ensuring that their homework is done. As you know we have started our new Accelerated Reader program. The children have all carried out a quiz to assess their starting point so that appropriate reading books can be given. Once read, they can take part in an online quiz which they will gain rewards for doing. Please sign their reading diary every time they read, and can they bring in their reading diary and home reader every day?  It would also benefit your children to practise times tables weekly. They can go on an online game called ‘Hit the Button’ and choose the table that they are learning. Also, they have a login for Times Tables Rockstars which is lots of fun for practising times tables too!


Any questions or problems please don’t hesitate to contact me – your can email via the Contact Form below or catch me at the end of the day.


Kind regards

Mr Togher

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