
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Reindeer - EYFS

Hello and a warm welcome to Reindeer Class; a class page for the littlest learners at Belmont Community Primary School!


We have 30 fabulous children in our class - our teacher is Miss Laskey and we are supported by the lovely Mrs McCormack, Miss Rickett, Mrs Clark and Miss Young! We are all so excited for the year ahead… we hope you are too! 


In Reception, our learning is fun, hands-on and takes place both indoors and outdoors! It can get messy … but is always full of memorable moments!! Much of our learning is through play; you will find lots of little scientists, artists, historians, mathematicians, storytellers and so much more when you step through our doors! We love to investigate, imagine, create and discover in the Early Years… it’s a truly wonderful place to be. Our aim is to inspire a love for learning so children are excited to come to school and experience curiosity, awe and wonder throughout their learning!! We hope to create a safe, welcoming space where each child feels valued and happy in their first year at Belmont! 


Over the course of the year we will explore the following topics, with a ‘Spotlight Book’ at the centre of each week. Our topics are as follows;

  • Autumn Term 1 - Marvellous Me!
  • Autumn Term 2 - Festivals & Celebrations
  • Spring Term 1 - Once Upon a Time
  • Spring Term 2 - A World of Pure Imagination
  • Summer Term 1 - Bugs & Beanstalks
  • Summer Term 2 - The Big Wide World


Once we are all settled, ‘Footprint Friday’ will begin too - a whole day dedicated to the wonders of outdoor learning! On this day we will be rolling our sleeves up and getting stuck in; you may find us mixing potions, making mud pies, painting puddles or hunting for mini-beasts! Each week will bring a new adventure! All we please ask, is that a pair of wellies is brought into school for this day - thank you! 


Tapestry will also be a big part of your child’s learning journey this year. We regularly upload photos of your child’s learning in school for you to access at home! We love to see your engagement with Tapestry… please do get involved and upload your own photos too! The children love sharing their adventures from home with us.


Each half-term, your child will bring home a ‘Bucket List Challenge!’ This is a list of memorable moments, often linked to the seasons, that we believe would be lovely for all children to experience throughout their time in Reception! This could be wrapping up warm for a winters walk, collecting conkers, having a picnic or feeding the ducks … usually something all members of the family can join in with too! It would be lovely if you could share some photos of these challenges on Tapestry for us to see! How many challenges will you tick off each term …?”


Reading at home with your child is something that we believe is absolutely essential in Reception! We ask that you please aim to read with your child 3-4 times per week and record a short entry in their reading diary. Your child’s home reading book will directly link to the focus phonemes that we will learn in class each week. Regular reading at home is integral for your child to consolidate their phonics learning and practise key skills like phoneme recognition and blending. We really appreciate your support with this! .


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to me at the beginning or end of the day… or feel free to drop me an email via the Contact Form below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Best wishes, 

Miss Laskey x

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