
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Transition To Secondary School

Please click HERE to go directly to the Lincolnshire County Council School Admissions Website


All children in Year 6 have the opportunity to visit local secondary schools through open evenings and ‘taster days’. We have a good liaison with all our local secondary schools and transition is made as smooth as possible.


Your child will receive information about securing a place in a secondary school when they are in Years 5 and 6. This will include a letter, a parental preference form and a guide to the secondary transfer procedure. We offer an information meeting during Year 5 so that all parents have up to date details and advice about moving onto secondary school.


Parents also have the right to enter their children in the County 11+ selection procedures for a place at the local grammar schools. Details about the process are sent out to Year 5 pupils during the summer term. Further information about secondary education can be obtained from the Headteacher.


Please click on the Admissions page below for further details of how the application process works.

Below you can find links to our local secondary schools.
