
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Elk 2021 - 2022

Sports Day

Wow, what a wonderful afternoon! For the first time since they joined Belmont, the children were able to take part in our traditional Sports Day! They made the most of every moment and had a great time!

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebration!

We had a super afternoon celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! It was lovely so many of our families were able to come and enjoy a picnic on the field whilst being entertained by some great singing! I was so proud as our class gave a fantastic performance of 'Do The Locomotion' from the 1980s. Everyone in the class was presented with a special medal and a book which I'm sure they will treasure for years to come.


The children have loved our Learning Journey on Australia and have produced some amazing work! We grabbed our passports and suitcases and kicked off the learning journey with an aeroplane ride to Australia. The children learnt about airports and we simulated a flight on the interactive board. The children especially enjoyed the inflight snack and entertainment!

When we arrived in Australia, we learnt all about famous landmarks, animals and the aboriginal people. They were very keen to work on the bookmaking table and enjoyed writing about Australian animals. The children have also made some amazing models out of playdoh too!


The school made sunflowers to show our support for the people of Ukraine. Here is a photo of the ones done by our class. We hope they brighten up your day when you drop off too.

Making Puppets On Comic Relief Red Nose Day!

In reading, we have loved the exploring traditional tales from other cultures and comparing them to Little Red Riding Hood. We really enjoyed making puppets to retell the story of ‘Grand Aunt Tiger’ a Taiwanese fairy tale - especially as we were dressed as Super Heroes for the day!

World Book Day

The children loved the challenge from Mr Grossmith to create a book in a box for World Book Day. You can see some super examples below.

RE Week

We were very fortunate to be invited, along with the children in Fallow Class, to the Church of the Ascension on Edinburgh Road during RE week. We were welcomed by the Reverand Sam and we had a wonderful time learning about the Church. I was very impressed by the exemplary behaviour of the children and their super listening and questioning skills which helped us when we returned to school to talk about what some Christians believe about God.


This term we have really enjoyed working with Inspire+ coach Lisa to improve our powerful throwing, accurate catching and balance skills. The children particularly enjoyed ‘toilet tag’!

What Do Meteorologists Do?

In our science learning, we have been exploring what meteorologists do. The children worked in groups to make a rain gauge to measure the rainfall over a week in school. They also had great fun presenting a weather forecast!

Tremendous Effort

I am so pleased by the way the children are focusing on their learning after what has been a difficult two years. Learning and applying their phonics; writing super sentences; learning to work systematically in Maths and taking great pride in their presentation. They are also very keen on practising their skills at home and can't wait to bring in their learning to show me!

Angel Express

The children were so excited to perform in front of their families at the end of term. With children from Reindeer and Fallow, they took part in 3 fantastic performances of  'Angel Express'. I was so proud of the way they worked together, singing and dancing and having fun. 

A Fun Time Drumming!

We were given the wonderful opportunity to take part in music lessons delivered by Lincolnshire Music Service this term. The children have made excellent progress in their drumming skills and thoroughly enjoyed the sessions!

'The Great Fire Of London'
The children have loved their history learning journey 'The Great Fire of London’ where they have remembered so much of the key information and used this to help them reflect on the thoughts and feelings of people who experienced it. The children have produced some fantastic chalk drawings of the timber framed Tudor houses to support their understanding of how these houses were made and how this contributed to the fire spreading. We have also learnt lots of joining techniques, including the i-brace and slot join, to support us in building our own model houses.

A Visit By The Fire Service!

We were very excited to have a visit from the fire fighters and fire engine at the beginning of term as part of our history learning journey, 'The Great Fire of London'. The children explored the equipment available to firefighters today and compared that to what was available in 1666. It was also a fabulous opportunity to talk about keeping ourselves safe around fire, reminders about testing smoke alarms and making an escape plan just in case. A big thank you to the Grantham firefighters for giving up their time.
