
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

History Of The FOBS

Brief History or Where It All Began …

Long before FOBS were created, the school had a PTFA (Parent, Teachers and Friends Association) In place who organized events and raised money towards the refurbishment of the main school library and the purchase of a much needed new stage, which is still being used by the whole school throughout the school year.


Over the years however, the numbers of active PTFA members diminished and this resulted in several events not taking place during the spring and summer of 2017 due to lack of helpers/support.


This Is Where FOBS Came Into Play …
The FOBS Team are a small group of parents who came together in October 2017. Our initial aims were to make a difference through creating fundraising opportunities, mainly by organising fun and memorable events for Belmont children.

We intended and are still committed to support the school with essential funding, to enhance the school’s facilities which in turn supports every child’s educational journey. We hope to enable people join together and share ideas/knowledge to achieve a common goal and in the process involve the school, parents and the local community, as well as local businesses.

After our very first and very successful Christmas Fayre in 2017, we were determined to achieve even greater things and the first step was to become a registered charity. This would open a lot of doors and enable us to be more professional. With this in mind, we needed to create some sort of branding to go along with our pending charity commission registration; something that would represent what we stand for and who we are.


FOBS Logo Competition
In Spring 2018, we called upon all Belmont pupils to participate in our FOBS Logo competition. Children were able to be creative and draw/paint something that they connected with FOBS or something that the thought would fit. We were delighted to receive over 30 amazing entries from children in Reception up to Year 6! And with such a high standard of entries, it was a difficult decision – but in the end, 2 entries were chosen. Both designs were combined into one logo with the help of Mrs Hankins, which was then digitalized and our FOBS logo was 'born'. It has been used ever since in all our communications and it truly represents all that FOBS stand for.
