
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Coronavirus September 2023

The health and well-being of our whole school community: children, parents/carers and staff, are of paramount importance to us all. We have put systems in place to help keep each other safe in school. Please find below, information regarding procedures currently in place as well as links to Government and health websites which we hope you will find useful. 


Thank you for your continued support.


Coronavirus Symptoms

Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)
  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
  • shortness of breath
  • an aching body
  • a sore throat
  • feeling tired or exhausted
  • a headache
  • a blocked or runny nose
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhoea
  • feeling or being sick

For most people, COVID-19 will be a mild illness. However, if your child has any of the symptoms above you should follow the Government guidelines. Click HERE for further information on the NHS website.



September 2023 Update

We continue to follow all Department for Education (DfE) and Public Health guidance in relation to COVID-19. The day-to-day operation of the school has to a great extent returned to what it was ‘pre-COVID’ however there are four key risk reducing approaches that we will continue to follow, these are to:


  • Ensure good hygiene for everyone
    • Hand hygiene - Frequent and thorough hand cleaning should now be regular practice. We will continue to ensure that pupils clean their hands regularly. This can be done with soap and water or hand sanitiser.
    • Respiratory hygiene - The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach continues to be very important.
  •  Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes
    • We will maintain an appropriate cleaning schedule. This will include regular cleaning of areas and equipment.


  • Keep occupied spaces well ventilated
    • We will ensure the school is well ventilated and that a comfortable teaching environment is maintained through opening external windows to improve natural ventilation and opening internal doors to assist with creating a throughput of air.
    • Utilising the CO2 monitors, provided by the Government, to support our assessment of the ventilation effectiveness.


  • Follow Public Health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19.


What To Do If You Or Your Child Has Symptoms Or Tests Positive


NHS Advice March 2023



Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you or your child have symptoms and either:

  • have a high temperature
  • do not feel well enough to go to work, school, childcare, or do your normal activities

You can go back to your normal activities when you feel better or do not have a high temperature.


If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school or childcare.


Tested Positive:

You are no longer required to do a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test if you have symptoms.

But if you or your child have tested positive for COVID-19:

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 3 days after your positive test if you are under 18 years
  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 5 days after your positive test if you are 18 or over
  • avoid meeting people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as people with a weakened immune system, for a further 10 days after your positive test

For More Information:
