Sports Dress Down Day
Thank you so much for those who made a donation towards our Summer Fayre by supporting our Sports Dress Down day. The children had great fun trying out the activities.
A Great Sports Day!
We all had a great time taking part in Sports Day!
Discovering Microhabitats
As part of our science learning on living things and their habitats, we really enjoyed exploring the Wildlife Area to complete our surveys on microhabitats.
Forest School
This year, with support from the Woodland Trust, Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont and everyone in Elk Class has been very excited to start their sessions! Forest School aims to support the whole child – their physical, mental and emotional development - and build on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take supported risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves, in a woodland or natural environment.
The sessions take place weekly, whatever the weather! As well as a suitable coat, we ask that children are provided with a pair of named wellies in a bag that can be brought into school on their Forest School day or kept in school if easier!
If You Go Down To The Woods Today ...
As you know, this year Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont with activities taking place in the Wildlife Area. Our class, along with Fallow has had the opportunity to extend their learning by visiting the local woods not once but twice! The first visit was to the Alma Park Woods and the second, which was supported by the Woodland Trust, was to the outdoor classroom at Londonthorpe Woods!
All of the children had a wonderful time as they participated in activities that included pond dipping, sketching and den building. You can see a selection of photos below.
Finding Out How Seeds Travel
In Science, we have been learning all about plants and we investigated how different types of seeds travel. We created our own paper versions of ‘helicopter’ seeds to see how they would travel outside in the wind!
We had great fun seeing how many spins we could get our helicopter seeds to do! Well done Elk Class – you were super scientists!
Making Pizza!
We really enjoyed making our pizzas where we practised our kneading, spreading, chopping and grating skills! Don't the pizza's look yummy!
World Book Day
We had a wonderfully busy day celebrating our love for books! During the day we enjoyed a special 'Masked Reader' assembly and lots of book-themed learning and activities. Everyone looked brilliant and we enjoyed sharing as many of their favourite stories as we could throughout the day!
The Sinking Of The Titanic!
During the Spring term we have been learning all about the sinking of the Titanic as part of our History topic. The children have really enjoyed transforming into history detectives and exploring different theories as to why the disaster happened. Here are some of our fabulous Titanic sketches!
The Twinkly Nativity
Wow – what a half term it has been! Elk Class worked incredibly hard preparing for our Nativity. We all had such a fantastic time rehearsing our lines and practising our singing and dancing for the play. The children were particularly excited when the stage appeared in the hall! I would just like to say a huge well done to Elk Class and parents for practising your lines at home. It made all the difference during our KS1 rehearsals and all your hard work really paid off. What a brilliant way to end the term!
The children took great care when they were learning how to weave during our Art lessons. They were very proud of their results!
Children In Need Day
Everyone looked fab for Children in Need Day, raising lots of money for the charity. Well done Elk Class!
Corum Life Education Visit
We all loved seeing Harold the Giraffe and learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy when Jenny and Sarah from Coram Life Education came to Belmont this week. Children took part in a fantastic workshop discussing topics such as healthy diets and understanding what is important to us.
Making Our Hand Puppets!
Our first science unit this year is about materials where we began by examining objects, identifying the material from which they were made and then classifying them depending upon the material.
The next stage was to learn several different methods of joining fabric together, including using pins, staples and glue. After practising these different methods, we decided on a favourite method to use to make our own puppet. We carefully designed our hand puppets and made a list of all the materials we would need at the ‘making’ stage. The children couldn’t wait to get started and we ended our DT unit with some fantastic products!
'The Great Fire Of London'
We have made a super start to our history learning this year with the children learning the story of the Great Fire of London.