Great Fun On Sports Day
On what turned out to be a very warm morning, the children loved taking part in all the field and running events!
If You Go Down To The Woods Today ...
As you know, this year Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont with activities taking place in the Wildlife Area. Our class, along with Elk has had the opportunity to extend their learning by visiting the local woods not once but twice! The first visit was to the Alma Park Woods and the second, which was supported by the Woodland Trust, was to the outdoor classroom at Londonthorpe Woods!
All of the children had a wonderful time as they participated in activities that included pond dipping, sketching and den building. You can see a selection of photos below.
Our Geography Learning
In Geography we have been learning about human and physical features. We have enjoyed sorting these with our friends and thinking about what sort of features we see on the way to school.
Forest School
This year, with support from the Woodland Trust, Mrs Pallier is introducing Forest School to Belmont and everyone in Fallow Class has been very excited to start their sessions! Forest School aims to support the whole child – their physical, mental and emotional development - and build on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take supported risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves, in a woodland or natural environment.
The sessions take place weekly, whatever the weather! As well as a suitable coat, we ask that children are provided with a pair of named wellies in a bag that can be brought into school on their Forest School day or kept in school if easier!
All About Plants!
In science we have been learning all about plants. We have planted seeds and can’t wait to watch them grow. We have also been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees. It was great fun going on a tree hunt around school. We discovered that there are a lot of sycamore trees on our school grounds.
Investigating Bridges
There was some great teamwork as we learnt how to make paper strong by rolling, folding and layering and then investigating different ways to make a bridge!
World Book Day
We had a wonderfully busy day celebrating our love for books! During the day we enjoyed a special 'Masked Reader' assembly and lots of book-themed learning and activities. Everyone looked brilliant and we enjoyed sharing as many of our favourite stories as we could throughout the day!
Playground Maps
We have loved our work in Geography where the children explored the playground and then created some fantastic maps!
Amazing Art!
We are really enjoying our art lessons where we have been learning how to mix tints by adding white. As part of the topic, we have studied the painting, 'The Great Wave' by Hokusai and the children have used what they have learned to create their own fabulous waves.
We're 'In The Groove'!
In Music during the Spring Term, we have been learning the song ‘In The Groove’ and we have practiced using the glockenspiels to keep the beat. The children took turns to perform to the class and had great fun!
Investigating Moving Vehicles
In DT we have been investigating wheels and axles. Discovering what they are, how they work together and how they are used in cars. The children then worked in pairs to design and make their own cars. It was great to see such fantastic teamwork!
The Twinkly Nativity
I am so proud of the children in Fallow Class who along with Reindeer and Elk classes performed beautifully in their wonderful Christmas production of 'The Twinkly Nativity'. All of the actors, narrators, singers, and instrumentalists worked so hard and they were very excited to be able to perform in front of their families.
May I say a huge thank you to everyone at home who helped the children learn their words and songs!
Children In Need Day
Everyone looked fab for Children in Need Day, raising lots of money for the charity. Well done Fallow Class!
‘Life Education’ Visit - Healthy Bodies
We all loved seeing Harold the Giraffe and learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy when Jenny and Sarah from ‘Life Education’ came to Belmont. During the visit, we learned about the importance of a good diet and why exercise and sleep is good for us. We also learnt how we can look after our bodies by washing, cleaning our teeth and brushing our hair. Harold told us that sometimes he feels sad and we had lots of ideas to cheer him up!
Toys, Old And New!
In History, it has been great to see so many children bringing in information about parent’s and grandparent’s toys. The children loved sharing this with the class and it really brought the topic alive and made it relevant to the children. The children then compared different modern toys in our classroom and sorted them using different criteria. We then used our toys with those brought from home to create a Venn diagram. We were also lucky enough to have a box of old-fashioned toys from Lincoln Museum. The children loved exploring these and making sure to handle them carefully as they were artefacts. I think we have some budding historians in the class!