
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education and its objectives run throughout our curriculum and are taught discretely when appropriate to support children with key skills or at specific times eg Anti-Bullying Week/Safer Internet Week. It is an important part of learning as it helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.  It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.


PSHE includes the study of culture, ethnic diversity, physical differences and difference of experience. Children learn about bullying, citizenship, drug education, healthy eating, physical activity, mental and emotional health, wellbeing, and sex and relationships. Through such study, children can acquire understanding of and respect for other people and their values. The nature of PSHE lends itself to study by children with a range of different abilities - children can work on the same content at different rates and levels.


Resources we use include:

  • SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience & Friendship) programme from Coram Life Education;
  • 5 Ways To Wellbeing;
  • Participation in the national Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Week, Mental Health Week activities;
  • Visits by the local PCSO regarding keeping safe and drug awareness;
  • Targeted support with a qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA);

  • Zumos;

  • Visits by specialist agencies for example representatives from The Conversation, Stamford (sex and relationships education);
  • Role models from the local community are invited into school to inspire and share their experiences;
  • Through curriculum enrichment (eg raising money for charity or taking part in local community ventures;
  • We follow the ethos of the 'Healthy Schools' programme, for example the promotion of healthy snacks at break time.


SCARF is a whole school framework for promoting and developing positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. It has a spiral curriculum which revisits each theme (and the skills associated with that theme) every year. A child entering the school in the Reception Class and leaving at the end of Year 6 will have experienced each theme at a new and appropriate level each year. Children can therefore demonstrate progress in the key social, emotional and behavioural skills as they progress through the school. Teaching and learning about protected characteristics is fully integrated into SCARF, through age-appropriate content across the SCARF spiral curriculum.


RSE stands for “Relationships and Sex Education”. The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 made Relationships and Health Education compulsory in all primary schools. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools. At Belmont, our RSE curriculum is firmly embedded within our PSHE curriculum, the SCARF scheme. The curriculum is designed to:

  • Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe;
  • Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships;
  • Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain;
  • Prepare all children for a successful adult lives.


Relationships & Health Education is taught in a way that is appropriate for children's ages and development stage with sensitivity to their needs and religious backgrounds. It comprises two distinct areas:

  • Relationships - children will be taught what they need to learn to build positive and safe relationship with family, friends and online.
  • Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing - children will be taught how to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing; recognise issues in themselves and others; seek support as early as possible when issues arise.


Can Parents Withdraw Their Children From The RSE Curriculum?

Parents cannot withdraw their child from any part of the Relationships and Health Education aspects of the RSE curriculum. It is important for ALL children to be taught the content on such essential matters like friendships and keeping safe.


There are separate rules on withdrawing a child from Sex Education. Sex Education is separate from the Relationships and Health curriculum and parents can withdraw children from some or all of the lessons on Sex Education. The headteacher must grant a parent’s request to withdraw a child beforehand, however we would urge parents to contact the school if there are concerns, in order that there is full understanding of what will be taught and when. Please also be aware that the science curriculum in all maintained schools includes content on human development, which includes human reproduction. There is no right for a parent to withdraw their child from the science curriculum.
