
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Impala 2021 - 2022

Sports Day

Wow, what a wonderful afternoon! For the first time since the summer of 2019, the children were able to take part in Sports Day! They made the most of every moment and had a great time!

Rand Farm

We were very excited to go on our residential trip to Rand Farm during the summer term. It was jam-packed with activities and we loved being able to feed and look after the various animals on the farm.


Whilst there, the children learned about bees, enjoyed a tractor and trailer ride and a lovely walk in the nearby woods. They also proved what brilliant chefs they are by making an amazing pavlova for dessert on the Thursday and Friday's pizza lunch from scratch!


We all had a BRILLIANT time and I would like to give huge thanks to Mrs Bell and Mrs Clark who accompanied the children with me and everyone at Rand Farm for making us feel so welcome.

Mini Commonwealth Games

Wow, what a day we had at the Inspire+ Mini Commonwealth Games at the Grantham Meres last week! The children in Impala and Barasingha along with our Young Sports Ambassadors, were so excited to represent the country of Samoa as they took part in the opening ceremony procession around the track with a flag that had been especially made in school.


We began our day of activities learning a dance that we would go on to perform at the closing ceremony; then tried some athletics; took part in some team building games and had a game of boccia. All before lunch! During the afternoon, we met some special visitors including Paralympic Gold Medalist, Jonathan Broom-Edwards and Elsa. After an energetic netball session, we had a great time trying out some American Football skills with Inspire+ Ambassador, Sam Ruddock!


We all had a brilliant day and our thanks go to everyone at Inspire+!


More from the day are in the website Photo Gallery (click HERE) and can also be found on Mr Togher's Twitter feed @MrTogherbelmont.

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebration!

We had a super afternoon celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! It was lovely so many of our families were able to come and enjoy a picnic on the field whilst being entertained by some great singing! I was so proud as our class gave a fantastic performance of 'A Million Dreams' from the 2010s. Everyone in the class was presented with a special medal and a book which I'm sure they will treasure for years to come.

Yoga With Kelsey

We have been very lucky to work with Inspire+ coach Kelsey for Yoga during the Spring term. The children have loved the sessions. We have helped our bodies and our minds, whilst having a great time too!

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

During the spring term, we have been studying the works of Italian artist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He was best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and books. The children really enjoyed creating their own versions of his work.

The Easter Story - Church of the Ascension

We loved our visit to the Church of Ascension on Harrowby Lane for an Easter Experience. We were made very welcome, took part in several activities and learnt about the story of Easter.

Comic Relief Red Nose Day

This year, our theme for Red Nose Day was Super Heroes - whether it was Superman, Wonder Woman, a superhero of our own creation, or a local hero in our community. We also were able to go out on the field for our red nose and spoon race. As you can see, the children had great fun!

Food Technology

In the spring term we have particularly enjoyed our DT food learning! We were excited when chefs Gavin and Mark from Chartwells returned to Belmont to teach us how to make Buritos! After learning about the ingredients we were able to make our own, yum! We have also had the opportunity to practice our cutting skills and tasted and evaluated a selection of Mexican dips, carefully considering the ingredients used in them. We loved designing and making our own dips. Some were delicious and some a little less so!

World Book Day

The children loved the challenge from Mr Grossmith to create a book in a box for World Book Day. You can see how much they enjoyed exploring each other's creations.

The Maya
We have really enjoyed learning about the Maya, asking lots of questions and talking about how Mayan people lived. We also made great Mayan masks!

Learning About Vegetables!

As part of our Food Technology learning, we were excited to take part in a workshop led by Gavin, an Executive Chef from Chartwells who are our hot meals providers. It gave the children a wonderful opportunity to learn about vegetables and how they help keep us healthy. At the send of the session we were able to taste a hearty vegetable soup with bread. It was delicious!


Following our electricity learning in science, we have investigated, designed, made and evaluated torches for our DT learning journey. We loved it and our torches actually worked! Please enjoy having a look at our results.


We had a fabulous day when we went on our first trip in Impala Class! For the trip, the children were allowed to wear 1940's style clothes and bring along a teddy as well as the gas mask holder they had made at school. They were also given new names for the day - the names of real evacuees from the war who were evacuated from London to Stibbington. Upon arriving at the Nene Valley Train Station in Stibbington, we were met by our teacher for the day who led us to the steam train and took the register using our new 1940’s names. We then walked through the village and stopped at different houses which were used as real evacuation houses during the war.


Next, we were taken to Stibbington Education Centre, where the children took part in 1940’s-style school lessons. We created our own ID cards, practised our spellings using authentic pens, ink and blotting paper and enjoyed a break time on the school playground where the children had great fun playing with war-time playground toys!


During our spelling lesson, we were suddenly interrupted by an air raid siren and our teacher swiftly led us out to the school air raid shelter where we waited until the siren stopped. This really helped the children understand and empathise with what life was like during the war. All in all, a fantastic day out!

The Indian Experience With Sunita

Impala and Barasingha classes have had an amazing Indian experience with Sunita. We learnt about India, and the Hindu festivals of Diwali and Holi. Sunita taught us about some of her Hindu beliefs. Also we thought about some similarities and differences between England and India, as well as breaking some stereotypes!
We loved learning some Indian dances and creating Rangoli patterns too! It was a fantastic day!

Data Loggers

Extending our learning on sound, the children worked really well together to use data loggers to record sound levels in various parts of the school.

Investigating Sound

The children have loved their first science topic of the year - investigating sound. We began by thinking about what we knew already about sound and then found out how the ear works and how the ear and nose are connected. The children went on to draw some fantastic diagrams as well as experiment with different sorts of sounds.
