
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Fallow 2022 - 2023

Sherwood Pines!

We had a fabulous time at Sherwood Pines when we went on our summer trip. Along with Reindeer and Elk classes we were very excited to spend the day learning outside in the woods! Pond dipping was great fun and the children were brilliant at identifying the creatures they caught in their nets.

The King's Coronation Picnic

We had a lovely afternoon celebrating the coronation of King Charles III! It was wonderful that so many parents and carers could come along and have a picnic with us whilst being entertained by some terrific singing and dancing. I was so proud as the class sang 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King' by Elton John and Tim Rice! They loved the song and were very excited to be able to sing in front of everyone. At the end of the day each child was given a commemorative medal that I hope they'll treasure for years to come.

Building Bridges

In Design and Technology, the children thoroughly enjoyed working in teams to build a bridge for ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  They learnt about how to strengthen and join materials.  We then tested how strong the bridges were - super exciting!

World Book Day!

We had a great time on World Book Day - what super costumes! As well as doing book-themed activities during the day, we had a special assembly with Charlotte, the Library Lead from Grantham Library, who shared with us all of the exciting activities available at the library. She also explained how to borrow books for free - we hope to see many of our children join!

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

We have had brilliant fun learning our Talk for Writing text ‘The Light House Keeper’s Lunch’. We knew the story so well that writing it by ourselves was easy and we enjoyed having lots of confidence. We are looking forward to creating our own ‘defeating the monster’ stories next term.

How Animals Are Adapted To Their Habitats

In Geography, we loved finding out about how animals are adapted to their habitats. We have also been practising the names of the continents and seas. The children have loved exploring the globe and often do this independently too.

Learning About Number

In Maths, we have really worked hard on numbers to 20 and using these in addition and subtraction. We have been using a bead bar called a Rekenreks to help us to see the link between addition and subtraction to 10 and 20. We have also worked hard on learning to double numbers and have enjoyed playing the doubles game on Hit the Button. This is something the children like to play at home too - click HERE to go to the website.

‘Life Education’ Visit - Healthy Bodies

We all loved seeing Harold the Giraffe and learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy when Jenny from ‘Life Education’ came to see us. During the visit, we learned about the importance of a good diet and why exercise and sleep is good for us. We also learnt how we can look after our bodies by washing, cleaning our teeth and brushing our hair. Harold told us that sometimes he feels sad and we had lots of ideas to cheer him up!  

RE Week

We were very fortunate to be invited to visit St Martin's Church in Stamford during RE week. We had a wonderful time exploring, and learning about the Church. I was very impressed by the super listening and questioning skills of the children which helped us when we returned to school to talk and develop our understanding Christianity.

Yummy Pizza!

We had a fantastic time when we visited Pizza Express in Stamford where we were able to make our own pizzas!  Afterwards we evaluated what toppings we liked and used that information to design and make our own pizza in school. A great way to develop our spreading, grating and chopping skills. Yum!

Did Children In The Recent Past Have More Fun Than Us?

For our first topic work this year, we have been thinking about the types of toys we play with today and finding out about the toys our parents and grandparents used to play with before we were born. We wondered whether they would be the same types of toys, would they be made of the same materials? To begin, one of the first tasks was to compare different modern toys in our classroom and sort them using different criteria.
