
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Barasingha 2023 - 2024

Sherwood Pines

We all loved our trip to Sherwood Pines with Sambar Class just before the end of term. The children had a brilliant time shelter building and orienteering in the forest. Mr Togher tested whether our shelters were waterproof!

Great Fun On Sports Day

On what turned out to be a very hot afternoon, the children loved taking part in all the field and running events! 

The Mini Olympics

We were very excited to take part in the Inspire+ Mini Olympics at the Meres along with the children in Impala Class and our Young Sports Ambassadors. We represented the country of Switzerland and were given a real taste of how the Olympic Games work. During the procession in the opening ceremony, we proudly carried the flag we had made, and then got on with a very busy day!


During the day, we danced and ran and practised boxing, ball, tennis, badminton and wheel chair skills. We also had the opportunity to meet and gain the autographs of some of the sporting celebrities who were there for the day. We all had a brilliant time and our thanks go to all at Inspire+!

Visit To Londonthorpe Woods

As you know, this year Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont with activities taking place in the Wildlife Area. During term 6, our class along with Impala had the opportunity to extend their learning by visiting the outdoor classroom at Londonthorpe Woods! Due to the wonderful support of the Woodland Trust there was no cost for the trip which took place during a school day.


All of the children had a wonderful time as they participated in activities that included pond dipping, sketching and den building. You can see a selection of photos below.

Special Visitors!

We were very excited to be visited by Mrs Richardson, who brought with with her Antonique and Valentina, her tortoises! During the Summer Term, we have been learning about living things and their environments and Mrs Richardson delivered a very engaging and detailed lesson to the class about them. We all loved the visit and would like to say thank you to Mrs Richardson for coming to see us.

Our Fabulous Learning Celebration!

In DT we have been learning about Italian food and Miss Slipper has been teaching us how to make it. We really enjoyed celebrating our cooking success with all our parents and we hope you enjoyed our stromboli with a twist.

A Visit By Sunita

We were delighted to welcome Sunita from the 'Indian Experience' back to Belmont where she led a whole school assembly and told the story of Rama and Sita. Afterwards, our class and the children in Impala took part in classroom workshops where they learned about Hindu Gods and Hindu ceremonies before spending the afternoon dressing in traditional Indian clothing and learning some Bollywood style dancing. It was a great experience which all loved and we look forward to seeing Sunita again soon.

Easter Experience Workshop

We loved our visit to the Church of Ascension where we took part in an Easter Experience workshop led by Reverend Sam. We learnt all about the Easter story by moving to five different stations and listening and answering questions. The children were brilliant and sang, 'Our God is a great big God' at the end with juice and biscuits! The children were also kindly given handmade knitted chicks with three mini chocolate eggs inside to bring home.

World Book Day

We had a wonderfully busy day celebrating our love for books! During the day we enjoyed a special assembly and lots of book-themed learning and activities. We were then lucky enough to be joined by the Year 2 children in the afternoon, who sat and read our favourite books with us too! Everyone looked brilliant and we enjoyed sharing as many of their favourite stories as we could throughout the day!


We have learnt about volcanoes and earthquakes this term and compared what we have found out to the recent volcano in Iceland and the earthquake in Japan. We really enjoyed testing our earthquake proof marshmallow and cocktail stick buildings on the jelly!

NSPCC Number Day - Dress Up For Digits/NSPCC Rocks!

Children wore an item of clothing with a number on it and made a suggested donation of £1 towards the NSPCC on Numbers Day. We were very impressed by the creative outfits and the money raised will help the NSPCC run its Speak Out Stay Safe programme to help children understand what abuse is and what to do if they're scared or worried.


We spent the day doing lots of fun Maths activities, and we took part in a Times Table Rock Stars Competition: NSPCC ROCKS! Each child who entered had a maximum of 1 hour to get as many correct answers as possible. The children were given some time in class to do this but completed their hour at home.


Thank you so much to everyone who supported this great event!

Forest School

This year, with support from the Woodland Trust, Mrs Pallier is introducing Forest School to Belmont! Two classes are taking part this term and we were very excited to start our outdoor learning adventure after Christmas. Forest School aims to support the whole child – their physical, mental and emotional development - and build on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take supported risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves, in a woodland or natural environment. Barasingha Class have their weekly Forest School session on a Wednesday - whatever the weather! As well as a suitable coat, we ask that children are provided with a pair of named wellies in a bag that can be brought into school on their Forest School day or kept in school if easier! 

Making Aqueducts

We enjoyed making our aqueducts and testing them to see if they worked. Great work everyone!

Planting Snowdrops & Bluebells

We take great pride in supporting the wider school community and we were delighted to be invited to support SKDC and the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park in planting snowdrops and bluebells. We had a fabulous time - well done everyone!

Children In Need Day

Everyone looked fab for Children in Need Day, raising lots of money for the charity. Well done Barasingha Class!

Corum Life Education Visit

We all loved seeing Harold the Giraffe and learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy when Jenny and Sarah from Coram Life Education came to Belmont this week. Children took part in a fantastic workshop discussing topics such as healthy diets and understanding what is important to us.

Keeping Safe Online

The children really enjoyed the visit by Hannah from the Lincolnshire Stay Safe Partnership where they learned more about keeping themselves safe online.

A Wonderful Harvest Celebration!

I am very proud of the children along with those in Impala Class who welcomed their parents and carers to our harvest celebration. They all did a brilliant job and sang beautifully! They thought about why we celebrate harvest in the autumn and why we support people who are less fortunate than ourselves.


We would like to say a big thank you for all the wonderful food donations which we have delivered to Grantham Foodbank.

A Great Time At Rand Farm!

We were very excited to go on our residential trip to Rand Farm! The children loved being able to feed and look after the various animals on the farm. In a very busy few days we learnt how to spin wool, make a bird box and some delicious pizzas! We also enjoyed a tractor and trailer ride and a lovely walk in Great West Wood.


We all had a brilliant time and we would like to give huge thanks everyone at Rand Farm for making us feel so welcome.
