Sherwood Pines
We all loved our trip to Sherwood Pines with Barasingha Class just before the end of term. The children had a brilliant time shelter building and orienteering in the forest. I had great fun testing whether their shelters were waterproof!
Sports Day!
On what turned out to be a very hot afternoon, the children loved taking part in all the field and running events!
Visit To Londonthorpe Woods
As you know, this year Mrs Pallier has introduced Forest School to Belmont with activities taking place in the Wildlife Area. During the last week of term 5, our class along with Taruca had the opportunity to extend their learning by visiting the outdoor classroom at Londonthorpe Woods! Due to the wonderful support of the Woodland Trust there was no cost for the trip which took place during a school day.
All of the children had a wonderful time as they participated in activities that included pond dipping, sketching and den building. You can see a selection of photos below.
I was very impressed by the children who took part in Bikeability with Outspoken Training. The children were incredibly focused as they learnt and practised the vital skills needed to be safe cycling on the public roads.
World Book Day
We had a wonderfully busy day celebrating our love for books! During the day we enjoyed a special 'Masked Reader' assembly and lots of book-themed learning and activities. Everyone looked brilliant and we enjoyed sharing as many of our favourite stories as we could throughout the day!
In Art, we have really enjoyed learning about surrealism and the children have shown brilliant creativity and imagination to form their final pieces. You can see a super example below where the piece has been linked it to our artist, Tina Spiro by having an environmental focus for the work.
Step Into The NHS Webinar
Our class and the rest of Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to take part in the 'Step into the NHS' day. They heard from fantastic NHS ambassadors about their jobs and had the opportunity to ask them questions. They were able to learn more about the NHS through interactive activities and get inspired to create competition entries to the Step into the NHS competition with some fantastic prizes available. We were lucky enough to meet Kade, a clinical Scientist; Chloe, a children’s physiotherapist and Paige, a student nurse.
Forest School
This year, with support from the Woodland Trust, Mrs Pallier is introducing Forest School to Belmont and Sambar Class has been very excited to start their sessions! Forest School aims to support the whole child – their physical, mental and emotional development - and build on a child’s innate motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering them the opportunities to take supported risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves, in a woodland or natural environment.
The sessions take place weekly, whatever the weather! As well as a suitable coat, we ask that children are provided with a pair of named wellies in a bag that can be brought into school on their Forest School day or kept in school if easier!
Hedgerow Planting
A group of children from Sambar Class were invited to walk down to Londonthorpe Woods to plant hawthorn trees as part of a special project between the National Trust and the Woodland Trust.
It is hoped the trees will become a hedgerow barrier to protect wildlife and form a habitat along Five Gates Lane. It was a wonderful experience for the children who can't wait to see their trees establish and grow. We posted the trip on X (Twitter) and were thrilled to receive a response from both trusts!
RAF STEM Challenge
We had the opportunity to work with the RAF and STEM project in a live lesson based all around designing and building rockets during the Autumn term. This linked closely to our Science Space learning and the children worked brilliantly through the project and live lessons. They created and tested their rockets with huge success.
Children In Need Day
Everyone looked fab for Children in Need Day, raising lots of money for the charity. Well done Sambar Class!
Picture News - British Values & Protected Characteristics
We are really enjoying Picture News each week where we have the opportunity to learn about current affairs and British Values.
Corum Life Education Visit
We all loved seeing Harold the Giraffe and learning how to keep our bodies and minds healthy when Jenny and Sarah from Coram Life Education came to Belmont this week. Children took part in a fantastic workshop discussing topics such as healthy diets and understanding what is important to us.
We had a space-tastic time when we were visited by the StarLincs mobile planetarium, an inflatable dome that allowed us to learn more about the solar system! We found out about the manned missions to the moon and then took part in a workshop where in teams, we built a spaceship and created a Mars landscape!
Planting Bluebells!
As you know, everyone at Belmont takes great pride in supporting the wider school community and we were delighted to be invited to support SKDC and the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park in planting 1,000 English bluebells!
Children from our class worked in small groups in the park and were very efficient with the planting, covering the area quickly due to their great team work. Everyone really enjoyed working together and being able to do something good for our local area.
Our thanks go to Mrs Bowskill, the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Park and SKDC for arranging this event.