
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Complaints Procedure

We strive to deliver the best education to all our staff and pupils and to care properly for their health, safety and welfare at all times.  All the staff in this school, teaching and non-teaching, are dedicated to achieving this aim.


From time to time however, it is possible that we have not lived up to your expectations.  If this is the case, please tell us. If you do not tell us we will not be aware of your concern and if we are not aware of it there is little we can do to set things right.  So, if you do have any worry or concern about what is happening in our school then please tell us about it.


In the first instance, please discuss your concern with your child’s class teacher or the particular teacher most closely concerned. If after doing this you do not feel that your concern has been properly addressed, please discuss the matter with the Headteacher.


If after this, you are still not satisfied, you can address the Governors of the school.  A copy of our Complaints Procedure can be found by clicking on the link below:


 Complaints Policy & Procedure


The document can also be downloaded from our Policies page:
