
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


At Belmont Community Primary School, our intention is that children foster a love of mathematical learning which will continue into adulthood. We are passionate about children being fluent mathematicians with the ability to articulate their ideas and reason to solve problems.


We follow ‘White Rose’ Maths in school, which has been created with a Mastery style in mind. Lessons have been carefully planned and organised to build on previous learning, develop concepts and make connections.


A typical ‘White Rose’ Maths lesson will start with a ‘Get Ready’ section where the children will revisit previous work to consolidate learning from previous days or recap something the children learnt in a previous year. The children will then move onto the ‘Let’s Learn’ activity in which the teacher will deliver the new learning concept for the day. This will then be followed by independent work using the ‘White Rose’ workbooks. For those children that have completed and understood the concept well, there will also be ‘Tricky Challenges’ available to deepen understanding further. 


Throughout the ‘White Rose’ Maths sessions, class teachers and support staff will use live marking to ensure that children understand the concepts and provide immediate input to challenge any misconceptions. The live marking approach enables the staff in class to assess and address any issues from the lesson either within the lesson itself, or in an afternoon during our ‘Catch the Bus’ intervention sessions. 


As part of our catch-up curriculum, children will be asked to complete a ‘Pre-Learning Checkpoint’ prior to starting any block of work, which the staff in class can use to identify misconceptions and gaps in learning. This may highlight a need for pre-learning interventions to ensure the children are ready to progress with the learning for their year group. Teaching staff will also have these misconceptions in mind when ‘live marking’ and teaching the lessons.


In addition to the ‘White Rose’ Maths lessons, all classes have a daily 10-15 minute fluency session. Fluency sessions vary and will very much be led by what the children in each class need extra support with. Most fluency lessons are used to follow the Mastering Number program through the NCETM.



We believe that our Mathematics provision will ensure that the children are:

  • able to explain their processes and reason mathematically
  • fluent in number facts to 10 (KS1) and will be able to apply this in all areas of learning (KS2)
  • able to recognise relationships and make connections in Mathematics
  • passionate about Mathematics and are inquisitive in all concepts of Maths.

Belmont Maths Curriculum Documents
