If you are having problems then you should tell somebody - an adult at home or school or you can contact Childline.
Together, we can make it STOP!
What is bullying? Bullying involves an imbalance of power. Someone who bullies uses their power to control, hurt or upset someone else on purpose, a number of times, by using behaviour which is frightening, upsetting or hurtful.
Bullying can be: VERBAL: being teased, name calling, hand signs and rude comments EMOTIONAL: hurting your feelings, leaving you out, bossing you about PHYSICAL: punching, kicking, spitting, hitting, pushing, touching you when you don’t like it RACIST: calling you racist names CYBER: through texts, e-mail, facebook and other networking sites THROUGH A 3RD PERSON: sending a friend with horrid messages
If you are being bullied: Do ... Use eye contact and tell them to go away Ignore them Walk away Act as though you don’t care what they say or do Save any evidence such as text messages or emails Find out how to block or report someone who is badly online Remember it is NOT your fault.
Don't ... Do what they say Look upset or cry Reply to any nasty messages Get angry
Who Can You Tell? A teacher or adult in school A friend Any other adult you trust Childline - call 0800 1111 or click here.
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What the school will do if you tell us you are being bullied. We will listen to you and take action We will keep a record of any incidents We will find a way to make it stop so that you can feel safe and happy in school | |
What should you do if you see someone else being bullied? Don't ignore it Tell the bully to stop if it is safe to do so Tell an adult or the bullying may keep happening | |
To Find Out More - Click On The Image For A Video From BBC Newsround