
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

A Great New Term Begins

Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are as excited as we are to be back for the first term of 2024! Please find below some updates and reminders about the routines and arrangements in school this term. As usual, we will be sending home ParentMails throughout the term with further important information and details will also be published here on the website.


Early Bird & Breakfast Clubs

  • Our Early Bird and Breakfast Clubs will be available each morning from Monday, 8 January.  Please ensure you pre-book by emailing Mrs Nix -



  • The timetable for term 3 is below.
  • Children should come to school in PE kit on their PE days. For safety reasons, please ensure earrings are removed.
  • We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our PE kit expectations:

We expect children to be wearing shorts/tracksuit bottoms or suitable sporting clothing, a Belmont PE top or a plain white or burgundy t-shirt. They can wear jumpers/hoodies but they must be plain and suitable for physical activity. In these colder times, children can wear woolly hats and gloves for outdoor PE and suitable light weight sport jackets/water proofs.


PE Timetable

Term 3

This timetable can be downloaded HERE.

Reindeer Fallow Elk Impala Barasingha Sambar Taruca









Tuesday (Swimming) 







School Clubs

School clubs will re-commence Monday, 8 January. If clubs are cancelled for any reason we will inform you via ParentMail as soon as possible. A copy of the timetable for clubs can be found HERE.


Attendance & Punctuality

As you are aware, school attendance is mandatory and enabling children and young people to attend their education setting regularly continues to be a national priority. It is also important that children are on time for school each day. If you have concerns about your child's attendance or lateness, please contact the school.


If you are unsure whether your child is well enough for school, please visit our advice page by clicking HERE.


Safe Parking
As a reminder for the new term:

  • Please do not park on the yellow zigzag or double yellow lines outside school.
  • Please be extra cautious when driving in the area around school, especially in the car park around pick up and drop off times. The entrance and exit to the car park need to be kept clear and we ask that the middle of the car park is not blocked, as previously this has resulted in other parents being late for work/appointments.
  • Please only park in the designated parent parking spaces. There are many residential streets around the school that can be used and are only a short walk away, but please be mindful of resident's driveways. 
  • Please could we ask that the disabled parking space is only used if you have a disabled parking permit on display.


May we also ask parents and carers to remind your children to:

  • Use the designated pedestrian walkways at the beginning and end of the school day.
  • Act sensibly when crossing the roads and using the zebra crossing especially as we do not have a school crossing patrol.


We thank you for your ongoing support and are looking forward to another great term at Belmont. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. Class Teachers can be contacted via TEAMS or the Contact Form on their class page of the website which you can access by clicking HERE.
