
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Getting Ready For Sports Day - Friday, 21 June!

Sports Day this year will be taking place on Friday, 21 June 2024. The event will be split, as it was last year, with KS1 in the morning and KS2 in the afternoon. Full details have been sent home via ParentMail but a copy can be downloaded HERE.


Please note that:

  • Spectators are to enter through the field gate. It will be opened 10 minutes prior to the start of the races.
  • Spectators can line the side of the track nearest the school, behind the line of cones. These cones are there for the children’s safety, so please do not cross them. Please bring a camping chair or blanket if you wish.
  • Classes will sit on the other side of the field, along the house side. Spectators must stay on their side of the track and must not cross the track.
  • At the end of the KS1 Sports Day, all spectators must leave the premises so the children can have their lunch break, they can then return to be let in for the KS2 Sports Day at 1:10 pm.
  • KS1 Sports Day will finish by lunchtime and KS2 Sports Day will finish before the end of the school day.
  • After Sports Day has finished and the trophy has been presented to the winning team, all children will return to class and will need collecting at the usual time from the usual place.


Taking Photos/Videos - Help Keep Our Community Safe

Whilst it's great to take photos and videos, please do not upload any to social media that contain images of children other than your own. For safeguarding reasons, some Belmont families do not permit photos/videos of their children to be put online. Your co-operation is appreciated.

For Sports Day, your child should come into school in sports clothing with sturdy trainers, wearing the colour of their house, and dressed accordingly for the weather on that day. Please ensure your child has a hat, a water bottle and sun cream on the day.


  • House colours are: Dahl - red; Donaldson - blue; Lewis - green; Rosen - white. Your child should know their house, but if they are unsure, please contact their class teacher.


  • Refreshments will be available to purchase.


  • Please may we remind everyone that smoking or vaping is not permitted on the school field/premises.

As always, I am looking forward to Sports Day this year and look forward to welcoming you all to spectate and support the children.

Your sincerely
Blaine Togher
PE Lead
