We’re very excited to inform you that a Christmas tree decorated by members of the Belmont Art Club is on display in St Wulfram’s Church as part of their spectacular Christmas Tree Festival! Our tree has the theme of ‘Symbols Of Hope’, and we hope you love our tree as much as we do! Our thanks go to Mrs Tilbury-Leeson, Mrs James and the Art Club members for all their hard work organising the decoration of the tree.
The festival opens on Tuesday evening (28 November) with the torchlit procession from the Market Cross at 6:00 pm. It is then open until 9:00 pm on Tuesday evening.
Entry on the door to the festival is:
Care home, nursery and school visits in the day during the week are free.
Public skating will also be available during the festival - booking information including cost can be found at https://www.stwulframs.org.uk/ or https://www.facebook.com/stwulframs
With over 170 Christmas trees on display in the church, the event is going to be spectacular. We hope you are able to make a visit!