
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Star Achievers Of The Week

Mr Allsopp was delighted to welcome everyone to our Star Achiever assembly this morning where we celebrated all the fabulous learning taking place in school. Our Stars did not include a pupil from Barasingha Class this week as they are currently having a terrific time on their residential trip to Rand Farm.


This week, our wonderful Stars received certificates for:

Fallow Class - his fantastic simile!

Elk Class - her fantastic skills as a writer this week!

Impala Class - her amazing poem that she wrote independently and read aloud beautifully too.

Sambar Class - demonstrating excellent understanding of place value.

Taruca Class - her wonderful work on blood.


More times tables badges were also awarded this morning. Our congratulations go to Emily, Amelia and Kia for bronze; William for silver and Logan for platinum.


The class winners for Attendance were Fallow Class with an outstanding 100%! 


Well done everyone!



This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.
