Mr Allsopp welcomed us to his favourite assembly of the week earlier today where our fantastic Stars were very proud to share their wonderful learning with us all. Everyone in Taruca class has worked incredibly hard in their SATs assessments this week - we are so proud of all of them - and two pupils from the class were nominated today for their tremendous dedication to their learning. Unfortunately, our Star from Impala Class was unable to join us this morning but we hope they will be able to collect their certificate next week.
This week, our fabulous Stars received certificates for:
Reindeer Class - her beautiful artwork and huge improvement in writing!
Fallow Class - her fantastic understanding of halves and quarters.
Elk Class - her fantastic writing skills!
Barasingha Class - his fantastic History learning about the Anglo-Saxons.
Sambar Class - her effort and enthusiasm in PE.
Taruca Class - her hard work and determination in the lead up to SATs.
Taruca Class - her hard work and determination in the lead up to SATs.
Mr Allsopp was also pleased to present silver times tables badges to Katie and Jaxon.
We love to celebrate success out of school, and this morning congratulated Amelia who recently played with her team at Leicester City and has been invited to trial for the LCFC Women Academy! A fantastic achievement, well done Amelia!
The final announcement this morning was for Attendance, with the winners being a very excited Elk Class with a fabulous 98.28%!
Well done everyone!
This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.