As we end the first week of term 6, Mr Allsopp welcomed us to our special assembly earlier today where our fantastic Stars were very proud to share their wonderful learning with us all.
This week, our fabulous Stars received certificates for:
Reindeer Class - his outstanding writing and progress in phonics! His work is always so neatly presented!
Fallow Class - his excellent progress in writing.
Elk Class - her teamwork at Londonthorpe Woods.
Impala Class - his amazing ideas and contributions in English lessons.
Barasingha Class - his fantastic RE learning about forgiveness.
Sambar Class - her understanding of biomes and the hot desert climate.
Taruca Class - her progress in writing. She always works so hard to improve and uplevel her writing.
Two silver times tables badges were also awarded this morning; a great achievement by Simon and Kayden!
Ten pupils took part in the Dynamo mixed cricket tournament yesterday at the Grantham Cricket Club and Mr Togher was very proud to tell us of their tremendous teamwork, hard work and determination to succeed. Winning 3 out of their 4 games, they missed out on the semi finals only by runs scored and came a brilliant 6th out of the 17 teams taking part. They were fantastic representatives for Belmont and our thanks and congratulations go to them all!
The final announcement this morning was for Attendance, with the winners being a very excited Reindeer Class with a terrific 99.3%!
Well done everyone!
This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.