
Belmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolEvery Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

Stars Of The Term

As we come near to the end of a very busy spring term, Mr Allsopp was delighted to welcome everyone to our Star of the Term assembly last Friday morning. We are inspired by the way children across the school are working so hard both at home and in school. They are showing great kindness and support to each other and have a determination to learn and succeed. Our wonderful Stars, with their great enthusiasm and commitment exemplify so much of what we value at Belmont.


In our fabulous celebration of learning today, our Stars received certificates for:

Reindeer Class - the enthusiasm, fun and joy he brings to our class each day.

Fallow Class - always trying hard and having a fantastic attitude to her learning.

Elk Class - always showing excellent learning behaviours at school.

Impala Class - being a very hard worker, an excellent listener and a respectful friend.

Barasingha Class - all of her amazing hard work and her fantastic attitude towards everything she does.

Sambar Class - her fantastic effort and attitude.

Taruca Class -her hard work and determination.


During the assembly we celebrated children in each class who have made outstanding progress and effort in Maths, Reading, Writing and Science this term. We also congratulated the children who were awarded certificates for their exemplary conduct in school.

Class Awards

 For outstanding progress and effort.

Reading Astrya, Asel, Jacob, Ted, Josephine, Oscar, Lily
Writing Markuss, Harrison, Matilda, Loue, Lillie-Grace, Lilah, Owen
Maths Harriet, Dolce, Arthur, Eva, John, Arabella, Kenny
Science Lennie, Arthur, Oliver, Max, Ellie, Jack, Teddy


Conduct Ambassadors

In recognition of consistently making the right choices, leading by example and helping to create

 an environment where everyone can learn and be successful.

Theo, Josef, Eliza, Aayushri, Jake, Alysia, Zak


For Excellent Conduct At Lunchtimes

Chosen by Midday Supervisors

Ben, Harvey, Freddie, Maya, Violet


Times Tables badges were also awarded this morning, and our congratulations go to: silver - Lillie & Ruby, gold - Isabelle, platinum - Sienna. 


Mr Togher was also immensely proud to let everyone know of the exemplary attitude and behaviour of the children in Sambar Class who successfully took part in Bikeability this week.


Well done everyone!




This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.
