
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Stars Of The Term

Mr Allsopp was delighted to welcome everyone to our Star of the Term assembly this morning. We have been inspired by the way children across the school have worked so hard both school and at home, with a determination to learn and succeed. Our fabulous Stars, celebrated today, exemplify so much of what we value at Belmont. They have shown great enthusiasm and commitment and are truly great role-models! 


In our wonderful celebration of learning today, our Stars received certificates for:

Reindeer Class - being such a wonderfully kind and caring girl and an absolute delight to have in class!

We are so proud of all she has achieved already.

Fallow Class - her fantastic progress and attitude to learning!

Elk Class - consistently showing a hard-working attitude toward all learning.

Impala Class - being always ready to learn. She never fails to work hard, trying her very best!

Barasingha Class - always being ready to learn and for working so hard.

Sambar Class - being a role-model to all.

Taruca Class - his wonderful attitude to school.

In addition, we celebrated children in each class who have made outstanding progress and effort in Maths, Writing and Science this term and those who were awarded certificates for their exemplary conduct in school. The awards for Reading will be announced next week.

Class Awards

 For outstanding progress and effort.

Writing Bertie, Simon, Eliza, Eva, Harry, Jessica, Leah
Maths Ernie, Brodie, Bea, Jim, Oscar, Freddie, Leah
Science Freddie, JJ, Ruby, Luna, William, Bella


Conduct Ambassadors

In recognition of consistently making the right choices, leading by example and helping to create

 an environment where everyone can learn and be successful.

Violet, Connie, Archer, Harlan, Poppy, Reegan, Lexi


Conduct Awards were also given by the Lunchtime Staff for exemplary conduct at lunchtimes:

Henry, Harrison, Amelia, Trinity, Ruby-Mae


Mr Allsopp was also delighted to award a member of Barasingha Class a coveted Platinum times tables badge this morning. Tom has been working incredibly hard and we congratulate him on his fantastic achievement!


We were also excited to find out that Reindeer Class were the Attendance winners for the Autumn Term. What a fabulous start to their time at Belmont!


Well done everyone!




This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.
