
Belmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first


Welcome toBelmont Community Primary SchoolAchieving excellence, putting children first

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

  • It's Nearly Christmas!

    Wed 20 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    What a term it has been! The last month has been particularly exciting with our invitations to take part in the Belton House Community Star project and St Wulfram's Christmas Tree Festival where children made decorations based on the theme of 'Symbols of Hope'. We know lots of you went along to the church to see the beautiful trees on display. 


    We were also excited to welcome everyone to our Christmas Fayre. This was a resounding success, raising £880.00, thanks to your generous support.


    The children in EYFS and KS1 were very excited to perform their nativity, 'The Twinkly Night' in front of their families. They worked so hard learning lines, dancing, singing and playing instruments and everyone had a wonderful time!


    A particular highlight of the festive season was the Chartwell's Christmas Lunch! It was delicious - our thanks go to Miss Rowlands and Miss Misiak for cooking the meals!


    We were glad so many were able to join us at annual Carol Service at the Church of Ascension last Thursday. Our thanks go to the Reverend Sam Parsons for her kind invitation to the church. We were also able to gather together in the hall for our Christingle Service today, one of our very special events of the year. This was followed this afternoon of course by the Christmas parties which were great fun!


    The end of term brings some sad farewells, as we say goodbye to Miss Short and Mr Wilson who has been the  fantastic caretaker of our school for a number of years.  We thank them so much for all their work and dedication and wish them the very best for the future.


    You can read more about the activities that have taken place over the term in our latest Newsletter which has been sent home via ParentMail. A copy can be downloaded HERE.


    The Governors and staff at Belmont would like to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.  We hope you are able to enjoy some wonderful times together over the Christmas period and look forward to seeing everyone again on Wednesday, 3 January 2024.

  • End Of Term Sports Round-Up

    Wed 20 Dec 2023 Mr Togher

    Term 1 and 2 have been extremely busy in the world of PE and Sport! Term 1 kicked off with Monday madness with three lots of Inspire+ on the same day. We had the FA inspired games, lunchtime led games and Little Movers for our Reception children. We also had Inspire+ for hockey PE lessons in Year 4. During both terms, Year 5 were busy swimming every Tuesday. We made the decision to move back to the Meres this year and the children have done thoroughly well, all making excellent progress. 


    Term 2 saw the introduction of School Games competitions and festivals. We started the term with the mixed football tournament and our team represented the school brilliantly. We then attended the badminton festival with a team of KS2 children taking part. This also saw us being given the opportunity to have a badminton club at our school which will be taken by the Grantham Badminton Club coach, Rodney. During this term we also had Teach Active from Inspire+. This is an active learning intervention which children from across Year 3 and 4 accessed. We also had Year 4 netball PE lessons with Inspire+.


    Our Young Ambassadors received their training during this term and started very strongly, preparing a school notice board and helping the school offer the most active clubs we have ever had. This is because the Young Ambassador team organised and led lunchtime clubs across KS2, so over the term we have offered: netball, Year 5/6 football, Year 2/3/4 football, table tennis, basketball, hockey, boxercise, gym and an extra Year 3/4 football for those who weren't already in the after school club. We have our fingers crossed  that the Girls football competition will go ahead next term after numerous cancellations. Our term finished with some excellent news after our children attended the Lincolnshire Sportshall Athletics County Trails, 9 of our children were chosen for the next phase, so a huge well done to Logan, Amelia, Arabella, Daniel, Railey, Leah, Esmee, Lily and Jaden. We wish you all the best on this great opportunity! 


    Next term we already have a lot to look forward to. Our Year 4s will start swimming and our Year 1s will be working with Inspire+ for dance. The competitions start ramping up next term as we have our first entry to the Primary Penathlon. We will also be attending Sportshall Athletics competition, Boccia and New Age Kurling. Our Young Ambassadors will also be leading the Legacy Tour in our school and a team will be attending Ropsley to hand over the tour to them. The Swimarathon is also next term and sponsor forms have been sent out to those selected to take part who can swim 25m so we hope to raise lots of money as a school. Finally, we have a busy term with Inspire+ Ambassadors next term. We have well-being mentoring and assembly visits from Sam Ruddock, Joe Roebuck, Jonathon Broom-Edwards and Dai Greene.


    I would like to say thank you to everyone for their efforts to wear correct PE uniform, the school has looked a lot smarter on PE days and we would like this to continue as we move into the New Year. A reminder that kit should be a Belmont PE top, black bottoms and suitable footwear. The introduction of the Belmont PE hoodies has also meant even more children are looking even smarter on these days. If your child doesn't have a Belmont hoodie a plain black jacket/jumper should be worn on PE days.


    Have a brilliant Christmas and thank you for your continued support.

    Mr Togher

  • Stars Of The Term

    Fri 15 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    Mr Allsopp was delighted to welcome everyone to our Star of the Term assembly this morning. We have been inspired by the way children across the school have worked so hard both school and at home, with a determination to learn and succeed. Our fabulous Stars, celebrated today, exemplify so much of what we value at Belmont. They have shown great enthusiasm and commitment and are truly great role-models! 


    In our wonderful celebration of learning today, our Stars received certificates for:

    Reindeer Class - being such a wonderfully kind and caring girl and an absolute delight to have in class!

    We are so proud of all she has achieved already.

    Fallow Class - her fantastic progress and attitude to learning!

    Elk Class - consistently showing a hard-working attitude toward all learning.

    Impala Class - being always ready to learn. She never fails to work hard, trying her very best!

    Barasingha Class - always being ready to learn and for working so hard.

    Sambar Class - being a role-model to all.

    Taruca Class - his wonderful attitude to school.

    In addition, we celebrated children in each class who have made outstanding progress and effort in Maths, Writing and Science this term and those who were awarded certificates for their exemplary conduct in school. The awards for Reading will be announced next week.

    Class Awards

     For outstanding progress and effort.

    Writing Bertie, Simon, Eliza, Eva, Harry, Jessica, Leah
    Maths Ernie, Brodie, Bea, Jim, Oscar, Freddie, Leah
    Science Freddie, JJ, Ruby, Luna, William, Bella


    Conduct Ambassadors

    In recognition of consistently making the right choices, leading by example and helping to create

     an environment where everyone can learn and be successful.

    Violet, Connie, Archer, Harlan, Poppy, Reegan, Lexi


    Conduct Awards were also given by the Lunchtime Staff for exemplary conduct at lunchtimes:

    Henry, Harrison, Amelia, Trinity, Ruby-Mae


    Mr Allsopp was also delighted to award a member of Barasingha Class a coveted Platinum times tables badge this morning. Tom has been working incredibly hard and we congratulate him on his fantastic achievement!


    We were also excited to find out that Reindeer Class were the Attendance winners for the Autumn Term. What a fabulous start to their time at Belmont!


    Well done everyone!




    This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.

  • The Twinkly Nativity!

    Wed 13 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    We are so proud of the children in Reindeer, Fallow and Elk classes who performed beautifully in their wonderful Christmas production of 'The Twinkly Nativity' earlier this week.


    All of the actors, narrators, singers, and instrumentalists worked so hard and they were very excited to be able to perform in front of their families.


    May we say a huge thank you to everyone at home who helped the children learn their words and songs!


    More photos can be found in the Photo Gallery.

  • A Fabulous Chistmas Fayre!

    Fri 08 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along to support the our Christmas Fayre this afternoon! Over the last few weeks, children have been making their wonderful Christmas crafts and treats which were on sale. It was lovely to see so many enjoying the Fayre which included fabulous stalls, fun games and some tasty hotdogs! 


    You can see more photos from the event on the Photo Gallery page of the website - please click HERE to go directly to it.

  • Star Achievers Of The Week

    Fri 08 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    Mr Allsopp was delighted to welcome everyone to a very busy assembly this morning as we celebrated the wonderful learning of our fabulous Stars. Unfortunately, our Star from Sambar Class was unable to join us in person today but his certificate will be presented at next week's Star of the Term assembly.


    This week, our fabulous Stars were awarded certificates for:

    Reindeer Class - her outstanding enthusiasm towards all learning.

    Fallow Class - his commitment and enthusiasm during the Nativity.

    Elk Class - his great understanding of shape in Maths.

    Impala Class - the amazing pneumatic moving monster that she made in DT.

    Barasingha Class - the fantastic newspaper report he has been writing in English.

    Sambar Class - his effort and attitude to all learning, in particular his Maths.

    Taruca Class - her fantastic work on fractions.


    A gold times tables badge was also awarded this morning. Many congratulations to Junior on this great achievement.


    The class winners for Attendance was Reindeer Class with a fabulous 99.3%!


    Well done everyone!



    This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.

  • Belton House Community Christmas Star

    Mon 04 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    If you are visiting Belton House over the Christmas period, look out for our Belmont Star which is now on display!


    The FOBS team led by Mrs James were recently invited to participate in the Belton House Community Star project and were asked to design a star representative of who we are, what we do and what Belton House means to our school. 


    Leader of our Art Club, Mrs Tilbury-Leeson and Mrs James worked together to create a fabulous artwork which shows hand prints made by the children in Art Club and pictures from events run by the FOBS team to support the children. 

    In addition to the star, Belton House also asked for wording to describe what Belton House means to our school; on the sign next to our star it says:


    'Belton House and its surrounding landscapes, including Bellmount Tower, hold a special significance for

    the students of Belmont Community Primary School. (Bellmount Tower is part of the school's/FOBS logo.)


    Functioning as both a historical landmark and a distinctive educational resource,

    it instills a sense of local pride and connection to their community's rich heritage.

    Educational excursions to Belton House provide students with diverse insights into history/architecture

    and even sustainability, enhancing their learning journey and creating lasting memories.


    We all feel truly lucky to have such an amazing space right on our doorstep!'


    Visitors to the National Trust property, including those attending the Christmas Lights Trail, can see our star along with others from local community groups - they look even more fabulous in the dark when the stars are lit up! We hope many of you can go along to enjoy them.


    Our thanks go to Charlotte Beaver, Volunteering & Community Officer at Belton House for this wonderful opportunity to participate in such a lovely community event.

  • Star Achievers Of The Week

    Sun 03 Dec 2023 Mrs Shales

    It was very colourful and Christmassy in the hall on Friday as Mr Allsopp welcomed everyone to our special assembly. Our fabulous Stars have been working hard both at school and at home and were very excited to share their learning with us all.


    This week, our Stars were awarded certificates for:

    Reindeer - her outstanding enthusiasm towards writing and drawing!

    Fallow - her progress in writing!

    Elk - his amazing writing this week!

    Impala - the brilliant independent letter to Father Christmas that she wrote.

    She also included each of our success criteria.

    Barasingha - her fantastic learning in Geography - well done!

    Sambar - her excellent piece of writing including lots of success criteria.

    Taruca - her wonderful comic strip about Charles Darwin.


    Four times tables badges were also awarded during the assembly. Our congratulations to: Ruby & Lilah for bronze, Amelia & Eva for silver and Harriet for gold.


    Sambar Class was excited to find out they were this week’s Attendance winners with a fabulous 98%!


    Well done everyone!


    This term, we hope to invite the parents and carers of Star Achievers to join the celebration either by joining us in school or watching via Zoom. The password will be changed weekly.
